Performance Dates

Friday, July 6 at 8 pm
Saturday, July 7 at 8 pm

Show Description

This week we feature three World Premieres by American Composers Forum national competition winners: David BiedenbenderRufus Reid, and Jung Yoon Wie. Part of the ACF CONNECT program, this performance shines the national spotlight on PNME’s legacy of more than 300 world premieres to date!


From Across the Table

David Biedenbender
Dinnertime with the children can be both nutty and magical. Ranging from silly and surreal to dark and serious, this collection of vignettes is Biedenbender’s “attempt to capture my life as a parent.” Inspired by the impromptu remarks of his two sons Declan and Izaak (ages 2 and 4), their comments are both nonsensical and epically on point. Kids say the darndest things!




Rufus Reid
“They are who they are! I am who I am!” opens Reid’s touching tribute to the 100th birthdays of Thelonius Monk, Dizzy Gillespie and Leonard Bernstein — three artists who have influenced the jazz bassist’s work. A piece that knows no genre boundaries, Remembrance showcases each world class member of the PNME with an energetic presence, infectious rhythms, and a unique intimacy.



Every Bone Has a Memory

Jung Yoon Wie
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. Inspired by Elizabeth Kübler- Ross’s classic model of the Five Stages of Grief, Jung Yoon Wie’s words and music weave a personal tale about the unbearable emotions wrought upon us by tragedy and loss.


PNME is extremely grateful to the American Composers Forum — without whom this program would not be possible. Your dedication to the cause of American composers is unmatched and we are honored to collaborate with you. Thank you ACF!