Gray Cat meets “The Fringe”
The poster from our awesome run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival! Show Produced by Civil Disobedience, Poster art by Jocasta Mann, Poster Design by Calum Carr, Written by Kevin Noe and Kieren MacMillan
Photos from PNME's 2017 season. All photos by Joshua Brown.
PNME 2015 world premiere production of Kieren MacMillan & Kevin Noe's "The Gray Cat and the Flounder". Commissioned in Memory of Bernadette Gabrielle Callery by her husband, Joe Newcomer. Photos by Alisa Garin Photography.
PNME 2014 production of Kieren MacMillan's "Drunken Moon". A heart-sick woman in a late-night dive thinks she's met the man of her dreams - only to discover that the river of love can be a dangerous place to swim. Photo credit, Alisa Garin Photography
PNME 2010 production "Return Flight" uses Ligeti's monumental Musica Ricercata as the point of departure for a ritual celebration of life's simple building blocks.
PNME 2011 Production of "Psappho Sparrows". Primeval poets and modern minstrels collide and combine in a celebration of ancient rituals, timeless longings, and birds that remind us of the dream of flight.
In the 2012 Production of "To the Earth", PNME explores the violent relationship between earth and mankind.
PNME’s 2008 Production of Kevin Noe and Kieren MacMillan’s "Just Out of Reach". Three epic greek myths of frustration collide as Narcissus, Tantalus, and Sisyphus are visited by the very Gods who condemned them to spend eternity in the underworld. Photographs from the performances at the Edinburgh, Scotland Fringe Festival.
A Collection of PNME favorites!