Sara is David Stock’s youngest daughter and moved back to Pittsburgh in 2001 to raise her children near family. She holds a BFA in Musical Theatre from Syracuse University and an MA in Drama Therapy from New York University. She has performed in theatrical and cabaret settings in New York and Pittsburgh, as well as serving as Cantorial Soloist at Temple Sinai in Squirrell Hill for 11 years. Currently, Sara sings at three local synagogues along with her new position as Managing Director of Pittsburgh Playback Theatre- a company dedicated to telling audience stories through improvisational theatre. Sara has studied voice with Neva Pilgrim, Shirley Calloway and continues to study with Kathy Soroka. Sara and her husband, Jonathan, are proud parents of Ziv (age 15) and Elena (age 11). Sara would like to dedicate her performances in this concert series to both of her parents who instilled in her a love of music and the arts as a vehicle for transformation. Mostly, she would like to thank her father for being not only a brilliant musician, but for teaching her to always create her own path.